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Fun facts about me

I like to crochet little animals, fruits and vegetables, but also clothes like hats and sweaters.

During my time as a doctoral student I was sometimes frustrated by this large project which took several years to complete. For that reason, I took up this fun hobby and finished many small crochet projects.

Crochet butterfly, pattern by Lydia Tresselt
Crochet veggies for my son’s kitchen, patterns by ruthk
On my way to Mahane Yehuda Market, Jerusalem

אֲנִי מְדַבֵּרֵת קְצָת עִבְרִית

I understand and speak some Hebrew because I spent over a year in Jerusalem where I did volunteer work at Café Auguste Victoria and studied Hebrew.

Rivers, streams, lakes, waterfalls… I love all kinds of water, but my favorite is definitively the sea, particularly the North Sea. I have especially fond memories of my internship at Verein Jordsand that I spent mostly on Hallig Norderoog.

Mexican grass-carrying wasp (Isodontia mexicana)
European potter wasp (Ancistrocerus gazella)

I made these bee hotels for my balcony and love watching stem-nesting Hymenoptera at work. Obviously, working with ecologists who research wild bees and other pollinators has an impact on me 😉

While I was working on my master thesis in philosophy of biology I studied biomathematics at the University of Greifswald and quit after one semester.

Charles Darwin’s 1837 sketch, source: Wikimedia Commons
Yoga is all about balance

I am a certified yoga instructor. At the moment I don’t teach, but I still practice as often as possible.

My first proper hiking experience was terrible. Who would have thought that I would eventually enjoy it after all?

Hiking trail, Black Forest
Coffee and pastry somewhere in Italy

I am a picky coffee drinker and enjoy vegan fast and slow food. Before I became a mother, I used to hang out at coffee shops on weekends to think, read, and write.

I play the tongue drum because the soothing sounds relax me.

My RAV Vast G Pygmy
I <3 plants
Sage and basil

I love my balcony garden – my little oasis where I like to read and listen to podcasts… so peaceful. Next time I look for plants for my balcony, I will use the conservation gardening app. These are some podcasts that I recommend: Feuer & Brot, lila Podcast, Die Alltagsfeministinnen, Die Sache ist die…, Gedankensalat

I collect semi-precious gemstones. Since I was a child I have been fascinated by the earth’s natural treasures.

Mandala with gemstones and flowers
Mandala with gemstones and flowers
Cute guinea pig

I am very good at imitating guinea pig sounds 😀