Talks and summer schools
Honestly, I never really enjoyed giving talks at conferences or small talk during coffee breaks. Nevertheless, I attended quite a few conferences during my time as a PhD student because I liked the feeling of being part of a community and getting an idea what other people are working on. My favorite one was the SPSP meeting in Ghent in 2018 with inspring keynote lectures by female researchers in a beautiful city.
EvoPAD Final Symposium, “From Philosophy of Science to Science Management: Working at Interfaces”, Mar 2024. View presentation→
GWP 2019 Meeting, Cologne, “Individuation Practices in studies of host-parasite systems”, Feb 2019.
SPSP 2018 Meeting, Ghent, “With a little help from my (old) friends? Evaluation of evolutionary explanations of diseases”, June 2018.
Philosophy of Biology 7th Annual University of Calgary Graduate Philosophy Conference, Calgary, “The role of evolutionary explanations in medicine and explanatory integration”, May 2018.
Workshop Narrative Science and Its Visual Practices, London School of Economics and Political Science, “Nested narratives: Phylogenetic trees and evolutionary history” (invited talk), Apr 2018.
Public lecture series The Growth of Evolutionary Thought, Münster, “Species problems – Why bother?” (invited talk), Jan 2018.
Conference Issues in Medical Epistemology, Cologne, “Evolutionary approaches to understanding diseases”, Dec 2017.
ISHPSSB & ABFHiB 2017 Meeting, São Paulo, “The molecularization of phylogenetics – preconditions and consequences”, July 2017.
Seminar Thecultural technique of genealogical trees, Lucerne, “Trees vs. networks. Tree thinking 2.0?” (invited talk) [in German], May 2017.
Workshop Representing scientific results: Forms of knowledge, Kassel, “Representing diversity: Tree diagrams in evolutionary biology and systematics”, Nov 2016.
2nd Open Forum History of the Life Sciences, Lübeck, “Historical Perspectives of Integrative Biophilosophy” (with Dr. Robert Meunier) [in German], Sept 2016.
Leibniz University Hannover, Colloquium Philosophy and Science Reflection, “Gene trees, networks, trees with vines: Forms of abstraction in representations of genetic relationships” [in German], May 2016.
Seminar, Egenis, the Centre for the Study of Life Sciences, Exeter, “Working with Model Systems” (with Dr. Robert Meunier), October 2015.
Summer schools
I enjoyed every summer school that I attended, but my personal highlight was the Summer Institute Reconceiving and Explaining the Success of Science in Basel, Switzerland. This summer institute was the first of three summer schools in the project From Biological Practice to Scientific Metaphysics. I have particularly positive memories of chats with Nancy Nercessian and Alan Love and I am glad to have met some of my favorite fellow researchers in philosophy of biology at this event.
These are the summer schools that I have attened during my PhD:
2nd EvoPAD Summer School, Evolutionary Processes in Disease, Drochtersen-Hüll, Germany, Sept 2018
5th European Advanced School in the Philosophy of the Life Sciences, Interdisciplinarity in the Life Sciences and their Philosophy, Klosterneuburg, Austria, Sept 2018
1st EvoPAD Summer School, Evolutionary Processes in Adaptation, Kyllburg, Germany, Sept 2017
Fifteenth Ischia Summer School on the History of the Life Sciences, Cycles of Life, Ischia, Italy, June 2017
DEST course Philosophy of Biological Systematics, Drøbak, Norway, Sept 2016
Summer Institute Reconceiving and Explaining the Success of Science. From Biological Practice to Scientific Metaphysics, Basel, Switzerland, Aug 2016
CNRS School “BioPerspectives”: New perspectives in philosophy of biology. Advanced Training in Philosophy of Biology, Corsica, France, Mar 2016
Superorganisms, Organisms and Suborganisms as Biological Individuals. First Interdisciplinary Summer School on Individuality in the Life Sciences, Gut Siggen, Germany, July 2015